

Area of Concentration:

Science and Mathematics Teaching

Research Areas:

                      1. Pedagogical practices and discourses

Description: It investigates and proposes studies and research of interdisciplinary character, related to the teaching and learning of Exact Sciences and its repercussions on pedagogical practices and discourses, aiming at the expansion and consolidation of this knowledge and the qualification of Compulsory and Higher Education teachers and professors.

                       2. Teaching and learning

Description: this center aims to study and develop concepts and methodologies applied to the teaching and learning of Exact Sciences, dealing with issues related to specific topics of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, aiming to contribute to the expansion and consolidation of this knowledge.



As a general objective, this Graduate Program seeks to offer Compulsory and Higher Education teachers and professors a possibility of a researcher-teacher professional preparation at a Master's level in the Exact Sciences teaching area, enabling the development of research and practices of interdisciplinary character that approximate the knowledge and resources of the University, with the pedagogical practices proper to the contemporary school reality. Therefore, it aims to develop and foster educational processes, which articulate theoretical and didactic-pedagogical knowledge from Exact Sciences, for the qualification of teaching action and the teaching-learning process.

The Specific Objectives of this Program are:

• To promote the training of teachers-researchers in relation to pedagogical aspects and specific knowledge of the areas of Exact Sciences, through actions that promote the development of skills for classroom research, reflective teaching practice and the use of pedagogical practices applied to Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.

• To provide opportunities for access and encouragement to research and innovative experiences that involve the dynamics of teaching and learning, favoring permanent updating in the area of the teaching of Exact Sciences and its articulation with the school practice performed by the teacher-researcher in his professional field.

• To promote the study and development of teaching materials related to the exact sciences, such as digital media (videos, blogs, pages, simulators...), experiments, didactic sequences, games, learning objects, among others.

Graduate profile:

By completing this Graduate Program, the graduate must have developed specific and pedagogical knowledge acquired through the studying of different subjects and their involvement in research in the educational field.  Such knowledge should empower this person to problematize, critically and reflexively, his or hers pedagogical practices, to develop skills that make him or her sensitive to the scientific and technological changes that contemporary school goes through, therefore, being able to contribute to the improvement and innovation of teaching and learning in the field of Exact Sciences Education.


For the Thesis Defense the student must have fulfilled at least 24 credits distributed between the mandatory and elective subjects. The Thesis Defense corresponds to 6 credits, thus totaling a total minimum of 30 credits.

Defense Deadline:

The course will have an average duration of four semesters, 24 months, with a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 30 months for completion.



Coordinator: Prof. Karin Ritter Jelinek, PhD

Assistant Coordinator: Prof. Charles dos Santos Guidotti, PhD


Graduate Program Committee:

- Prof. Karin Ritter Jelinek, PhD

- Prof. Charles dos Santos Guidotti, PhD

- Prof. Rosângela Menegotto Costa, PhD

- Prof. Tobias Espinosa de Oliveira, PhD